RULES 2025
16 ENDS – 6.30pm START
I strongly advise that a copy of these rules is displayed on your club notice board so that they can be referred to for all your games.
A donation to charity will be given each year. The charity will be chosen by the host club each year and the amount to be agreed at the Annual General Meeting.
Enjoy your season!
Maggie Edwards
League Secretary
To be played on Fridays or brought forward on another day with the agreement of both clubs.
If a game is cancelled on the day because of severe weather conditions (rain is NOT severe weather) i.e. the green is waterlogged/closed, the game must be rearranged as soon as possible and League Sec informed.
Venue – this can be changed i.e. home and away fixtures to be reversed on agreement of both captains. Request not necessary but venue must be clearly indicated on scorecards. If the game is to be played at a later date the LEAGUE SECRETARY must be informed.
Dress – Grey Trousers (or club colour Trousers) Club Shirt (preferably).
No Green Fees
*2 points for overall winning total shots, 1 point for tied total shots, 1 point for each winning triple, 0.5 point for each tied triple. Maximum 4 points.
- Highest points wins
- Tied on points: number of matches won
- Tied on Wins: number of Winning Rinks
- Tied on Winning Rinks: Highest Shot Difference
*Arrangement of postponed or suspended games
In the event of a game being abandoned due to inclement weather, and 10 ends on each rink having been played, this constitutes a game. In the event of 10 ends not having been played, the game must be re-arranged and played as soon as possible.
*If a game is postponed for any other reason, the game should be rearranged within 14 days to an agreeable date to both parties. The league secretary is to be advised of the date agreed.
In any event, the postponed game MUST be played by the 13th game of the season. If the game is not played by the 13th week, then the team that is the injured party will be awarded 6 points.
A club in default of fulfilling a fixture forfeits the game and 4 points and 6 shots are awarded to their opponents.
In the event of a team being one player short
- MISSING PLAYER EN ROUTE – That triple should delay the start of the game for a reasonable period (15 minutes) then commence playing. The late arrival to join the play as soon as possible and play lead or two.
- MISSING PLAYER NOT EXPECTED – Lead plays against opposing lead – the number two plays all three bowls (one after the other – then skip plays against opposing skip. The team winning the end still gets the jack and plays first. This could result in four consecutive bowls being played by the team not missing a player. The same number of ends is played and shots and points are calculated as per the existing rules.
In the event of a game being abandoned due to inclement weather, and 10 ends on each rink having been played, this constitutes a game. In the event of 10 ends not having been played, the game must be re-arranged and played as soon as possible.
Skips may visit the head on the final end.
Entrance fee £10 per team. Paid at AGM.
Selection of playing rinks for each triples game will be drawn at random by both captains prior to the start of the game, although home teams may select which rinks are to be played on. The opposing captain will pair up the face-down cards and nominate the rink numbers.
*Captains toss for the Jack. Result applies to both rinks.
Any disputes – the captains must settle.
All players must be fully paid up members of the affiliated club they represent. Bowls England rules to apply.
*Results are to be submitted to the league secretary by the winning team (if a draw, Home team to submit result) online using “Match Result Submission Form” on the website within 24 hrs of play.
All copies of scorecards are to be e-mailed or photographed and sent via WhatsApp to the league secretary, Maggie Edwards, after the game.
Web Site:
The presentation of the trophy at the end of the season should be hosted by clubs in alphabetic rotation from year to year. *2025 – Kingsthorpe BC.